There are times when you will need a bit of extra cash to make certain important purchases or investments which just can’t wait. As an investor with BBS Bank you can now make all the purchases you need with a special Ntshegetse Loans.
Your savings will continue to earn interest for the whole period that they are securing the loan. Ntshegetse Loans is NOT a withdrawal of your savings, the money is still yours and BBS Bank remains committed to ensuring you receive your long-term income earning potential. The minimum loan amount is P650.00. The loan will also attract interest as the cost of borrowing.
Who can apply?
Any institution or Anyone can take out a Ntshegetse Loans as long as they have a BBS Bank, savings of fixed deposit account (Subscription Savings, Indefinite period Paid Up Savings, Tlamelo Mortgage Savings, Lerako Savings or fixed deposit account). Individuals can borrow up to 75% of the value of their shares to enable them to make those necessary purchases.